WQUT’s “FOOD CITY Q SMOKER” ContestOfficial Rules A complete copy of these rules can be obtained by contacting radio station WQUT (“Station”), 162 Free Hill Rd., Gray, TN 37615, during available business hours Monday through Friday, on the Station website www.wqut.com, or by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the above address. The Station will…… MORE
WQUT’s “CLASSIC ROCK LUNCH – DELTA BLUES BBQ” ContestOfficial Rules A complete copy of these rules can be obtained by contacting radio station WQUT (“Station”), 162 FREE HILL RD, GRAY, TN 37615, during available business hours Monday through Friday, on the Station website www.wqut.com, or by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the above address. The…… MORE