Category Archives: Uncategorized

WHO: New Ebola vaccine “Highly effective”

WHO: New Ebola vaccine “Highly effective”

A newly developed vaccine against the deadly Ebola virus is “highly effective” and could help prevent its spread in the current and future outbreaks, the World Health Organization says. CNN’s Elizabeth Cohen reports.MORE

Jon Stewart says goodbye

Jon Stewart says goodbye

Jon Stewart says goodbye to “The Daily Show” after 16 years on air. From Elmo to Presidents, Jon has talked to them all. Here is a mash-up of his last episode on air.MORE

Station Contacts

Station Contacts

Call or e-mail us anytime! Let us show you how Radio works for your business! Sales Contacts Debbie Caso – Market Manager 423-467-2616 Paul Overbay – General Sales Manager 423-467-2608 Account Executives Christina Campbell 423.467.2637 Jim Crawford 423.467.2611 Charlie Garcia 423.467.2605 Dottie Gouge 423.467.2612 Elmer Harmon 423.467.2642 Larry Harris 423.467.2654 Becky Keesee 423.467.2614 Station Personnel Patti…MORE